The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) is an independent, non-profit and non-political student exchange organisation. It provides students in technical degrees with paid, course-related training abroad and employers with highly skilled, highly motivated international trainees. With more than 80 member countries and over 4000 traineeships exchanged each year, it is the largest organisation of its kind in the world.
Every year since 1981, hundreds of European students of architecture have gathered each summer to discuss and work with architecture, student to student. These summerschools are organised by EASA (European Architecture Students Assembly) and happens in a new place and with a specific theme for each year. During the two weeks of the assembly, visions and experiments grow from workshops, tutored and arranged by architecture students. It is an important and inspiring gathering, with a scope that extends beyond the 400 participants and organisers. Anyone who has ever attended an EASA summerschool will have stories to tell about architecture, friendship and new ideas.
AEGEE is one of Europe’s biggest interdisciplinary student organisations, striving for a democratic, diverse and borderless Europe. As a non-governmental, politically independent, and non-profit organisation AEGEE is open to students and young people from all faculties and disciplines. Founded in 1985 in Paris, today AEGEE has grown to a Network of 13000 friends, present in 200 cities in 40 countries all over Europe.
Студентскиот парламент на Универзитетот Св. "Кирил и Методиј"- СПУКМ
Студентскиот парламент на Универзитетот Св. "Кирил и Методиј"- СПУКМ е здружение на граѓани од автономен, невладин и непартиски карактер формирано за слободно здружување на студентите независно од нивната национална, верска и полова припадност и нивните политички убедувања. Работата на Студентскиот парламент при Универзитетот Св. "Кирил и Методиј" е јавна. Јавноста во работењето се обезбедува со редовно известување на членовите на Студентскиот парламент на Универзитетот за сите облици на работење, со увид во спроведувањето на програмските задачи, со поднесување на извештај за работата на органите и телата на Студентскиот парламент на универзитетот, и за материјалното финансиско работење.