3 Atlas of Togetherness


“Atlas of Togetherness” is an interactive initiative. All the professors and friends of the Faculty of Architecture, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, are invited to contribute with one illustration (photography/drawing/sketch of architectural project) with or without short text of 100-150 words, or one theoretical article that strongly expresses their personal association to togetherness in architecture. We aim to pick into this personal, sensual knowledge of togetherness and to juxtapose it in a web platform for exchange between colleagues and students. In that way, it will represent open, ever-growing celebration of togetherness, an act of togetherness itself, but it will also function as a motivational container for the students and contestants.


Click on the images to see them bigger, or click on the text title to read more about who proposed it or why it is important to the topic of architectural means of situating togetherness 



Aldo Sonsbeek Pavilion MALA



Aldo Van Eyck, Sonsbeek Pavilion in Arnhem,

DIA students at Christmas Dinner 2018 @BAR
0  TakaharuTezuka Roof house      nigel henderson
Zivko Popovski, Retirement Home in Ohrid, 1972 Tezuka Architects, The Roof House, Japan

Nigel Henderson, Children Playing on

   115779738 282127713069821 1965852100711402408 n  110476294 2039117699555808 3335162749806083877 n  110420386 1589703851208083 2188232504579061731 n

Eleonora Popovska, LAZOROVSKI TRIPTYCH part 1

Eleonora Popovska, LAZOROVSKI TRIPTYCH part 2 Eleonora Popovska, LAZOROVSKI TRIPTYCH part 3


29th Session  1  2  3