togetherness noun the state of being close to another person or other people

The Covid-19 outbreak completely changed the landscape of the everyday throughout the whole world. We have seen striking images of the most famous and beautiful cities completely emptied of human life. We have seen surreal images of booming nature and felt as surplus in the world that is our home. We have started to recognize what is already named “a visual landscape of Covid-19” consisted of sanitarian and disciplinarian techniques that impose new orders of everyday functioning - the “two-metre rule” is the new architect that draws queues and grids on public space layouts. We have become faceless figures that practice distancing.

The Student Architectural Competition The Last Resort - Remembering Spatial Patterns of Togetherness aims to motivate an inverse imaginative response to this new visual landscape as an action of inner rebellion that we must not forget the intrinsic character of architecture - to bring together, to connect! What we want to provoke and compile is homage to togetherness!

We invite students to remember, to explore, to learn, to think of spatial patterns that promote the socially interactive, the inclusive, the integrative, the playful, the empathetic, the interstitial. The students are expected to design small-scale, low-tech projects based on the abovementioned intentions.

The word “resort” has a double meaning, one being “a place where people can go on vacation to relax or for an activity they enjoy” and the other (especially when used with ‘the last’) is “the fact of doing something in a particular situation because there is no other way of achieving something.” This collective imaginative resort, compiled of every student’s individual, small-scale project based on their own idea of togetherness at the end of the competition, will represent an important message that architecture can resist, rather than reflect, this temporal external reality of social distancing.

So, we really hope that our small-scale architecture will resonate the big-scale truth and hope for architecture as homage to togetherness.

Thank you to all who will take part in this challenge!


Competition Type Student | Architectural | International | Open Ideas |

Official language The official language of the competition is English

Registration Each participant (individual or team) should fill in the Registration Form and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than 27th July 2020.

Fees The competition is free of charge



Competition Registration Form 

Competition Task Program and Location 

Competition Rules and Regulations 

Competition Graphic Files 



The international jury will award first, second and third prize.

1st Prize

The first prize is in the amount of annual tuition fee for all team members and admission in next year’s Summer School of Architecture Session without application and participation fee, which covers the expenses for a one-week stay (accommodation and meals) in Kalin Hotel in Lazaropole, the venue of the 30th session of the Summer School in 2021 (for the domestic students of Faculty of Architecture, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - Skopje)

2nd Prize

The second prize is in the amount of semestral tuition fees for all team members and admission in next year’s Summer School of Architecture Session without application and participation fee, which covers the expenses for a one-week stay (accommodation and meals) in Kalin Hotel in Lazaropole, the venue of the 30th session of the Summer School in 2021 (for the domestic students of Faculty of Architecture, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - Skopje)

3rd Prize

The third prize is admission in next year’s Summer School of Architecture Session for all team members, without application and participation fee, which covers the expenses for a one-week stay (accommodation and meals) in Kalin Hotel in Lazaropole, the venue of the 30th session of the Summer School in 2021 (for the domestic students of Faculty of Architecture, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - Skopje)

For the awarded students from other faculties of architecture from North Macedonia, the prize is admission in next year’s Summer School of Architecture Session for all team members, without application and participation fee, which covers the expenses for a one-week stay (accommodation and meals) in Kalin Hotel in Lazaropole, the venue of the 30th session of the Summer School in 2021

For awarded international students, the prize is admission in next year’s Summer School of Architecture Session for all team members, without application and participation fee, which covers the expenses for a one-week stay (accommodation and meals) in Kalin Hotel in Lazaropole, the venue of the 30th session of the Summer School in 2021, and covered travel expenses in the amount of 300 euros from a European destination

The Summer School of Architecture is worth 2 ECTS credits.

All proposals will be subjected to а critique review.

All proposals will be subjected to publishing.

All proposals will be subjected to public exhibition. 


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

During the whole contest, until submission deadline - competitors can address any question to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , with the designated subject of the email: QUESTION. The organizers of the competition will individually answer the competitors by e-mail and will weekly publish updates in this FAQ section.





Launching of the International Architectural Competition “Homage to Togetherness”

Open Call for Registration


Launching of the Initiative “Atlas of Togetherness”


Deadline for submitting the Registration Form


Opening Webinar

Virtual Opening of the 29th Session Summer School of Architecture


Deadline for submitting the Competition Works



Two Sessions of the Jury Committee


Closing Webinar

What Did We Learn About Architecture of Togetherness?


Awards Ceremony

Public Exhibition

Promotion of the Booklet “Homage to Togetherness”